
How to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018
How to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018

how to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018

Well that because I wanna show you How you Edit this Block Attribute Definition and Command to do this is EDITBLOCKATTRIBUTEDEFINITION (hmm quite long hun ?). You might be wondering why I have placed this Value below Circle instead of Placing it inside Circle. Newly inserted Block with 24 attribute value will be shown as below. When You Specify Position of Block then in command window you will be asked for Block Attribute Value.ĭefault Value will be what we used while creating Block Attribute Definition or Last used value. Great Now we will Insert Block with Block Attributes inside DraftSight. In the problem drawing start the AutoCAD DesignCenter, either by typing ADCENTER on the command line, Entering CTRL+1, or by going to the View Tab and selecting the icon. I used Linear and just picked two points in space. Now Inside DraftSight Block Attribute Name below circle will be replaced by Block Attribute Value. Create a dimension with the new dimstyle. You can edit value from here if you want to change.

how to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018

When you press Ok on Block definition dialog box then ‘Edit BlockAttribute Values’ db will pop up to display attribute values. Next Step is to Select Both Circle and Block Attribute Definition and Convert them to Block using MakeBlock command. Name of the Block Attribute will be shown when we will place this Block attribute definition inside DraftSight. We will input Displayed text such as Name, Caption and Default Value for this. When you run command then ‘Block Attribute Definition’ dialog box pop up. Go to Menu Draw > Block > Define Block Attributes…

how to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018

So First we will Draw a Circle or any other entity inside the Model space. We can add Variable and Constant text to Blocks by using Block Attribute Definition.

How to make dimensions visible in draftsight 2018